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Cardiometabolic diseases, genes, and lifestyles

cardiometabolic diseases and genes-nutrient interaction

Is our DNA can be predominantly predisposition as cardiometabolic diseases?

This statement easily comes up in our mind due to some people more easily get the cardiometabolic disease than others do. These problems pop up because of their genetic makeup.

Is our DNA a really matter for us?
The answer is slight no. The DNA factor might be not as important as you assume. Less than 10% of cardiometabolic diseases can be explained from genes alone.

Let me tell you, for instance, the relationship between genes and cardiometabolic diseases is not directly related. There is a bridge between those aspects, which is an environment. When people carrier “bad genes” spend their lives in a healthy environment, their chance of getting cardiometabolic diseases are lower than people who live in an unhealthy environment. That would be an association between Cardiometabolic diseases, genes, and lifestyles.

Not all cases in our population, especially in Asia, are caused by genetic changes but our raising bad habits should be blamed. Now, we think that our lifestyles are more important than genes. When you reach the point and more raise awareness about our health profile, there is another tool should be used to overcome this breaking non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which is personalized nutrition. It can be one of the breakthroughs to overcome health problems such as cardiometabolic disease in the precision-based healthcare era or coming to be a personalized medicine treatment in the future. By assessing the genetic characteristics of an individual, we can use this approach and utilize the information to develop targeted nutritional advice, products, or services that also related to medicine.


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