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Child Obesity

Nowadays, we face a number of health problems, especially for children. It called double burden malnutrition. This condition is not only for children who have undernutrition status but also over nutrition status (overweight and obese). One per third (1/3) of children and adolescent having overweight and obese in the world. Almost 75% of teens who has overweight might be growing as adult obesity. This number of overnutrition problems raising up in the past thirty years. 3 times higher for children with 6-11th years old and 4 times higher for 12-19th years old.

Infant and child development have a rapid growth and us as parents don’t want to skip the moment by letting do kind of wrong parenting and feeding practice.

The way we feed them with the kind of right food is totally an important thing. It’s good for their health, immunity, and catch up an optimize growth and development. We have to picky to make food choice for them. Selecting the best of the best food resources and quality. Whether if we don’t take this, it will happen excess or insufficient nutrition. Some mothers spend a lot of money for consuming a good brand food without knowing how good they come or made from. A good and expensive food is not guaranteed the healthy and nutritious of food.

The prevalence of child obesity among Indonesian children is high. WHO (2010) set the minimum number of obese children less than 5% of the population. Unfortunately, Indonesia has 8% of obese children. Every 8 of 100 children in the 5-12th years old having overweight and obesity status. This number has to take into account to prevent raising the number of adult obesity. Several risk factors caused this treat, such as too long spending time watching television, screenplay from handphone or laptop, sitting on the table and working too much, less exercise, consuming fast food/drink, and having a sedentary lifestyle. Complication of being obesity is low self-esteem, unconfident, bad performance, slow, unregularly menstruation for women, high heart disease risk, and easily sweating a lot. Therefore, we need to prevent our children from addicting to poor nutrition and behavior, playing games, watching television a lot, and low exercise.

Dear beloved parents lets start to change the way you eat and practice small changes routinely towards grow up strong and healthy kids.


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