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"The climate is changing, so food and agriculture must too"

Together we can reduce poor malnutrition by eliminating zero hunger world (SDG2). all we need is our courageous and awareness that these things must be done. there is kind of acts that you can do to make this goal happen :
  1. Improved you and your family health by applied proper and balanced nutrition. set our mindset that nutrition is important rather than just fulfilled our belly with a lot of unnutritious foods.
  2. Invest in food security and rural development. we are in a millennial era that upcoming technology is more important to save our life with tons of benefits. social media strength obviously strong not as we imagine. the climate is changing, so we must too, to prepare the worst!
  3. All of the government and other stakeholders must be compromised to address this kind of serious problem. a long-term goal which is not underestimated. thinking a new innovation about a new level of a food system. make a move for improving health system based on food, nutrition, and social with fairness. most of likely that healthy people depend on our healthy food system.
  4. Look around at yourself and talking with anyone in our circle that reduce food waste is a pivotal thing now. blessing our food and rethink when other people cant eat like we are. reducing food waste at home with aware don't shop too much, portion sizes, save your food, maintain fridge space. and make an attention to expiry dates. 
  5. The last but not least is do not hesitate to donate to some funding or charity on a reliable organization that concern to health and food issue


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