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I agree with vaccination. In my opinion I believe that vaccination give a lot of benefit againts our body to build up the antibody. We already know the first vaccination is given when we were born. The purpose of vaccination is make our body become strong by increasing the immunity. When we have been vaccination, the doctor inject the vaccine that contains impaired bacteria in purpose. Then This bacteria will be processed in our body by antibody system. Antibody got to fight with the bacteria and then it can produce a memory that utilize when we attacked by bacteria, our body have to defend and survive from the bacteria by killing the bacteria infectious.

we have many kind of vaccination. There are Polio, BCG, Torch, Tetanus, and Hepatitis B viruses. Those vaccine will be given periodicly of time that be adapted with the development of child body. But, if we were vaccinated, we have to maintain our fitness. The bacteria can attack to us in many different ways and many chance. the bacteria attack to us when our body in on the bad condition or not fit. Our immunity become weak and bacteria that induced our body before will attack our body. in this condition we already sick or may be we can die because of infectious viruse.

In conclusion, the vaccination is plays important role for our immunity response. Because of it that antibody from vaccination should be given when we already life or born. Actually environment can treat our body become stronger because the immunity system can be adapted automatically that is commonly we said natural immunity. But, we need measurement ways to build our immunity with the right ways for our health and the succesfull immun system response.


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