Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS)
adalah solusi untuk membuat air minum
bebas kontaminasi mikrobiologi
pada air yang masih mentah. SODIS menggunakan solar energy untuk
membunuh bakteri pathogen yang disebabkan oleh water borne disease dan dapat
meningkatkan kualitas air minum. Bakteri
pathogen lemah pada radiasi sinar matahari pada spektrum UV-A (wavelength
320-400 nm) dan heat (meningkatkan suhu air). Hal ini sering dijumpai pada
negara-negara berkembang di asia seperti bangladesh, myanmar, kambodja, india
dan negara-negara di afrika yang memang ada beberapa tempat di negara tersebut
kesulitan akses mendapatkan air bersih.
Kesulitan akses untuk mendapatkan
kualitas air minum yang bagus bisa meningkatkan risiko water borne disease
seperti diare, kolera, typhoid,hepatits A, amoeba dan bacilliary dysentery dan
diarrhoeal disease lainnya.
Metode water treatment yang bisa diterapkan
pada level rumah tangga yang direkomendasikan pada umumnya untuk menurunkan
faecal contamination air minum adalah
Storage, plain sedimentation dapat menurunkan turbidity dan faecal coliforms
the water, bisa membunuh viral, parasit dan bakteri pathogen.
pasteurisation, hampir sama dengan boiling the water, tapi suhu untuk
perebusannya lebih tinggi yaitu 70-75 derajat celcius. Waktu lebih sebentar
tidak lebih dari 10 menit perebusan.
disinfection with chlorine
Advantages of SODIS
• SODIS improves the microbiological
quality of drinking water.
• SODIS improves the family health.
• SODIS can serve as an entry point
for health and hygiene education.
• Public water supply systems in
developing countries often fail to provide water safe for consumption. SODIS provides
individual users a simple method that can be applied at household level under
their own
control and responsibility.
• SODIS is easy to understand.
• Everybody can afford SODIS, as the
only resources required are sunlight, which is cost free and plastic
• SODIS does not require a large and
costly infrastructure and therefore easily is replicable in self-help
• SODIS reduces the need for
traditional energy sources such as fi rewood and kerosene/gas.
• Consequently the use of SODIS
reduces deforestation, a major environmental problem in most developing
countries, and SODIS decreases airpollution created by burning conventional
energy sources.
• Women and children often spend much
of their time and energy collecting fi rewood. SODIS reduces this
workload as less fi rewood needs to be
• Financial advantages: Household
expenditures can be reduced when the user’s family health is improved:
less fi nancial resources are required
for medical care. In addition, expenses for traditional energy sources
such as gas, kerosene and fi rewood
are reduced. Only limited resources are required for the procurement of
transparent plastic bottles. Therefore even the poorest can afford SODIS.
Limitations of SODIS
• SODIS requires suffi cient solar radiation. Therefore
it depends on the weather and climatic conditions.
• SODIS requires clear water.
• SODIS does not change the chemical water quality.
SODIS is not useful to treat large volumes of water.
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